Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Concrete Jungle"

A couple of lime lights
UC Walkout!

UC Rivas representin', props to the united social justice front alliance at rivas, concerned with communicating priorities that protect the basic human rights of education and the loss of great soldiers to the proliferation of a prison nation.

It should not be called the Security Council. It should be called the terror council.
love it!

Taiwan today remains under [the U.S.] military government.
another kidnapped country
at least
those crazy baldheads 
are going to be chase out of the town
perhaps, even if embassy's 
serve as defense platoons
bar wires
and con man contraband
can't brake sovereign lands
stay tune...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Quien llego, Quien llego? La tierra se lo trago?


WHAT? I would imagine this would be headlining everything today, considering how much coverage there was for his failed attempts, interesting. Haters, I guess we're fatalist and only like to hear of someone when they are down... 

Hilary as always, reminding Mr. Zelaya's return to not invite violence. Y que es lo que ha pasado,  voto arrebatado, sin juzgado ni mero mero aliados. 

Mr Zelaya's return took officials by surprise, with Mr Micheletti at first denying the deposed leader was in the country

So who is getting rattled, ready for battle?
Oh all this chatter is just a matter of rule

when the oust is thought up 

cause a country's been kidnapped
in another capitalist pool

Officials later extended the curfew to 1800 (0000 GMT) on Tuesday, and closed the country's airports. The police and army have been put on stand-by.

The Latest from TELESUR


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Arpaio fights back :) Scary Dude

"Blanket Policy"

who's your dealer honey?
but we'll take your money
chump and change
but no more than one can remain
so overpopulate my mind
bloat it so that someone staggers
in time
like a lullaby rhyme
that doesn't seem to tie
the male order brides
the landmines
the cleansing
that has purified imports for exports
one child at a time...

China adoption: Some Chinese parents say their babies were stolen for adoption --

Stencil Link for Fun (courtesy of and Street Art Workers Project)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

East Los, Independence Day, September 13, 2009

Los Low Riders, East Los Independence Day Parade: 09/13/09

"The Bitch is Back"

Thought I share some of the heaviness I have been encountering as I become intimate with the construction and manifestation of violence against women (not only physical, but mentally, political, and so forth). 

I have every intention to unmask the penetration of public violence into the private sphere, and the cultivation of antagonistic and hostile attitudes towards women in order to eradicate and disrupt the essence of la cultura, la familia, y la tierra. this is genocide. and this is why femicide is to be examine. though particular to a context of strategic antiwoman bias, it starts small, the violence, the abuse, and slowly it creeps into our consciousness when as a society we have to point the finger and say we do not stand idly by chris and bobby browns. yet we cultivate this reality every day, every day we invite it, every day we encourage it, privileged to do so, with our silence..

English: A Language of Rape 
There are 220 words for a sexually promiscuous woman and only 20 for an equally promiscuous man in the English language. (from the book, Transforming a Rape Culture, 2005)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Make Room For More"

Why Does God Allow Suffering

written in social policy
2nd domestic terror threat
revolutionary minds of intellect
FBI acquitted to standardized who is not with it-

congressional testimony
admitting that as organized bodies grew in force
state reinforced what it was made of
1970: Gunned down Jackson and Kent State protests against Vietnam
1971: George Jackson fever spread, killed by guards, soul on ice as Attica bled
6.5 on parole or probation
skip a beat don't line up for detention

instead get a ticket to prison nation

Stop the Tickets
Monica Garcia
Stop the Tickets

ride the trill of being profiled enough that
no one remembers what it means for you to be inside
i didn't do the crime, and if he/she did, then they should do the time
pay a dime
to the welfare of
a looming and elusive presence
outfiting the essence of rendition,
until from east to west
kanye king kongs
swift at best
in the eyes of those who said
they finally put race to rest

Flip this world on its head, an egotistical black man interrupts the glory of an innocent young white girl, and...?
"Dealing with the fact that I hurt someone or took anything away, you know, from a talented artist- or from anyone -because I only wanted to help people,"- E-Online
I wonder how quickly they will start booing reverse racism? 

cien años a tu lado
y aun no se me ha olvidado
la constitucion
la patria
la revolucion
de tierra a mestizaje
cual era tu mensaje?
que un indio no podia representar
la industrializacion,
k chistoso,
los nopaleros
el escritor de la cancion mixteca 
los mas aislados de tu nacion

Post-Racial Commercial of the Week:
Guess who gets a seat @ the table? Macy's "Come Together" Promotion
(Actual Title: Make Room for More. Interesting, the first to be invited all seem to balance the pallet dynamics)

2B Signed, Sealed, and Delivered Soon
East Los Independence Day Parade, September 13, 2009. Digital Photo Journal 

Friday, September 11, 2009

quoting scriptures

what does it mean when the president of a nation
of every growing distension
quotes holy scriptures
for hope?

to look at the sanctity of should
of choice
of good
so to speak, of what is right

let's bring the goodness out of killing dreams
and persecuting the "perpetrators" of what seemed to be a
monumental catastrophe
but which turned out to be a...

good never sounded so bad,

"not the human capacity for evil, but the human capacity for good. . . . On this first National Day of Service of Remembrance, we can summon once again that ordinary goodness of America"

de veras?  esto, this, i believe, es lo que mas me incomoda de el Obama- is what makes me most uncomfortable about Obama

Obama, administration officials pay tribute to 9/11 victims

'Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric attack,' the president says on the first National Day of Service and Remembrance.

"We pay tribute to the service of a new generation, young Americans raised in a time of peace and plenty, who saw their nation in a time of need and chose to serve," Obama said, with a few preacher's words for the assembly: "Scripture teaches us a hard truth: The mountains may fall and the Earth may give way, the flesh and the heart may fail, but after all our suffering God and grace will restore you and make you firm, solid and steadfast." 

Accessed: September 11, 2009. Los Angeles Times

The Insecurity of a Kiss

2nd Wk of August 09
An empirical analysis of an Empire

quaint sentences charging taxes
we try to weigh out our losses
hold on to a system
that builds its empire on the desire of
joy and laughter
looking at life happily ever, but always after
the rain, the

laying ground for the yard
on route to freedom petitioners
like another cumbersome AWOL soldier rendition

U.S. Attorneys stepping down
Bronx beauties swearing in
back stabbings
looking for growers
suppliers and prowlers

the lucky charm is the divide and conquer
race war
that riots
poor and working class people
victims of uprisings
it comes true
when you have the rest of your life sentenced out to you
when the measure of a man
pipelines her into a career criminal
staring in the rear view mirror of the
always watching
always stopping
world of supervised
and lights outs
and pain
appealing clemency

"I had been to jail before, but I always went in with release dates. Your vision is, 'I just gotta make it to this date.' But then, there was no date"

Freebie Freestyle Reporting
on the other end, analysts say
"I think that's where you start to get some deviance from what was thought of as being appropriate during the height of the crime wave, which was 1992-93 for most states, and today with our historic low crime rates."

How fitting, isn't it great how life discloses rhymes to make sense of the logic of killing millions without penitence?

parole or probation

fuck your education!
taunting us into a straight jacket of restraints

why do they seek human improvisation to bankrupt stories, fools got us confused...
resources reeling from the horrific master tools
making sunshine out of rapes and

mile radius to turn the love off
looking for more
loss will make you reflect
goes the moral of the punishment
growing with shame,
profiled and misplaced
"If they harassed me less maybe i would come to school"
he says
turning the flicker of the youth into the flame of Chino riot news

California has 158,000 prisoners in facilities designed for 84,000.

when there is no reaction there will be no time for more
extended life prison terms
calls the rabbit hole
steadily grows knocking inside the walls that
encloses societal force
to forge the bad into the difficult
to brunt cities with G.I. Joe and G-Force
keeping a lid on crime
and precious moments
the beginning of our children's end
to never be seen again

always an inspiration to have universal foundation


Article 25.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection