Monday, July 11, 2011

drop the i

a twisted


i said

drop the i
drop the i
drop the il

keep the legal


my tongue

respect my accent

quarantine the colors

that project

“poor and






i said

drop the i

i said

drop the il

keep the legal

cause i never want to be your mirror

the other

your “equal”

that lets you get away

with some



racist shit

genocidal garbage

like damn,

“did this fool just say that shit”

divide and conquer

cut the chains of

charity corners

famed lotto liquor store owners

making payments for a life

you have yet to live


better said

annoy the fuck out of it

so that our imprints

libres, lindas, y locas

invite the recollection

of a memory

from within

impartially breathing

call in 2 being

what we whispered to the scribes in the heavens

we wanted to become

All or None of Us

gentrifying deaths

indebted to the interest rate

of pelican bay hunger strikers starvation though every cell

in the golden state

for humanity

castigate their own shadows

orchestrate a fire that burns

louder than pre 4th of July firework

laker championship

Dodgers versus Giants baseball game

kind of riots

buckled in chains

without permission

take over their selfs

so if you feel like a petrifying wetback faggot caught your eye

call it like it is

so that no one has to hide

so that third genders

are as visible to us as our third eyes

so that duality is not just a standard option

of a partriachal dichotomous potion

cause queer is a politic

history has afforded us to



transcend tranny titles

spirit at our core

self-centered botox vultures


A-list toy boy

need to have it culture

nurtures hate


neglects to interject

so i don’t claim this shit as mine

in taxes and titles

write off

my idols

for saints

that castrate mistakes

im with a holier kind of death

a more humane way to understand the


and fire escapes

of this here land of the great

but man made laws weren’t made for me

a heavenly scion

morphed every morning

ren, yi, li zhi, xin,

what is criminal?

when sinners are considered saints

when the

waving flag

of corporations

signal a more humane occupation

when these have more rights

than the population of the foreign nation they

efface through drought and starvation


to love something is to want it to live

and if you love this city

thrive from within

like the homeboi says

“he who wants a rose must respect the thorn”

people of the corn are reborn outside of concrete jungle walls

in this western world we all medicate,

in obsessive lust,

w. self-centerness,

desiring material


outside of ourselves...

suffocate our realities for the verbs

that orchestrate

a sick pathology to feed off of drama,

misery, and emotional comas where only right and wrong matter

..fuck the gray matter,

pavement n dirt have

always been my favorite color

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

summer fevers

I sit down to write this play with fear
about the truth I will share

In this case, my take of what it was for others

Aside from a collective memory
that some rather not share with me,
I trace most crossroads
to moments
where I didn’t feel lost
I remember the need to

to believe in something greater-
In me
not outside in satisfactory complacent contentment’s
but true peace

I heard the voice within
the paranormal mumbles
in cold feet
in doubt
in intuitive stomach growls
turn into
restless night aches
boiling nightmares
into summer fevers

yes the moments where I had no recollection of being a quitter
I’ve grown

And the comparison
still shows

In my demeanor,
I don’t care to be like anyone else
Role models 
disguise the distance between making it
and breaking back midnight hour graveyard watchmen days

But heroes
Do exist
Not superman like

A series of prescribed events
Heavenly sent

rains in each of us,
the redundancy of bringing the past into the ever so unpredictable yet "coincidental" now
where its heavy to carry
the imprints of a
thousand loves
and lives lived

proclivities aside,
if a player recognize game:

then my friend-
we’ve already met
cause all the things that i hate
about others
starts with myself

cause we give meaning to livelihoods by adding titles
to the careers we profess ourselves to
be born to do
a twisted

to find a place where silence is golden
where we are not told what to do
what to wear
when to swear
or whom to pledge allegiance to.

until this day i can count the times i raised my right hand over my heart
it’s an art
a translucent penchant
to be lied to
into abuse
a ridicule of gadgets and distractions
like a kitties trip to a petco
kind of satisfaction

the ethos
a credo that
sings 2-maybe-3
reza 4 corazones del pueblo
y canta 5 leimerts

el mundo te da
donde mas te duele
mero mero
it hurts

si le hablas


si escuchas

sin rencor

ni malicia