Friday, March 18, 2011

that's what they say

Scattered around the world
Dreaming in circles
The people of the seventh fire
A setting sun-belt strategy
To water the future of the earth
Composite a Code red
Real eyes-

Out of compassion comes the need to
-Envision less
meaning to
and more of an end-

to punitive government heads
time after crime
mausoleums of corporeal carceral stench beds
destroy spines and claim minds
difficult with distraction the path of the spirit

What would it mean to fight to win?

To stop planning
Theorizing our deaths

What would it mean to live?

A litany
Of continuous rebirth

Keeping alive
The talk
To accompany the walk
Of respecting only one law
That’s what LaDuke says
They say
That’s what they say
Natural law, the highest law
That’s what they say

Wishing for your return
Decapitated scoundrel settlers squander
Last minute
Ditch efforts
To disrupt elections
Obama calls with concern
Devastated-a conscious choice
Chabane escorts the good conscience
Of a restricted people
Emerging voices of the popular poor
By fraud
Piercing veils of illusions

Then and now

I am responsible for the words that I carry in this world

Mad hatter tea partiers
a bill of attainder[1]
should matter
as unconstitutional things go
this is one of the biggest of them all

Proper punishment
A rampage of corporate thugging 
raping and mobbing
Culture cashing
Specially if we clashing
Straight National Public Radio robbing
The Corporation for Public Broadcast sobbing

Bansky banking on foreclosed homes

I ain’t a hater
I just know when fake gold got sold
To the highest bidder
A straight gallery one-hit-quitter
Falling in the flames of fame
I hear that murals are currently outlawed in this city
The prequel to the sequel
The original
Sacred sites
And rituals
Westcoast criminals
Rage over art
And what others say

They say…
That’s what they say

[1]the legal consequence of judgment of death or outlawry for treason or felony, involving the loss of all civil rights.

Post dedicated to FELINE SCIENCE, inspiration. 
for not bribing your riches, cultural magic switches.