Monday, February 14, 2011

humility: 2/11/11

la palabra es humildad
our day culminated with those words
as i’ve seen my father grow into someone who own’s himself
i value my worth

it is his choice of words
every breath he forgives himself to take
unleashes his remorse

i treasure the moments where he uncovers what has been
buried over time
if you met him
you couldn’t imagine that
like me
he also reads thoughts
we choose when we speak of them
without being cunning
because for some the truth is too much

there’s a limit to how much we are pushed
there is a limit to how much we will allow others to undermine
the tribulations it has taken for us to be present in this lifetime

if you knew where i came from
your calendars and sun gods would be put to shame
my ancestors live in my morning reflection
no i ain’t vain
i just don’t live in your pain

i can dodge the darkness
of backwardness
but then i would be worthless

every pyramid
every tomb
every womb
is a reminder of the pillage of savages
is a reminder
my genius survived

this will never be a solo show
in the highest of the high
i am not alone
in the lowest of my low
my spirit will not implore
i will not fall to the floor

so when you get pissed with envy because you think my drive
is only to get mine
i will read you your rights:
you have the right to help me
or get out of the way

i don’t give a damn about your excuses or
what the other fools will say

our people are dying. wake up.
our stories have vanished. wake up.
our sages are expiring.
wake up.

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